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Allowing you to stay informed at all times

"Who is Disability Accommodation Australia and how do we work?"

Disability Accommodation Australia works with you to understand your plan. Our support coordinators assist you to build the skills you need to understand, implement, and use your plan to achieve your goals. We work with you to improve your ability to connect with the community through informal and funded support networks. We can also work with you to help with your plan review.

"What happens after my plan is approved?"

Firstly, congratulation as you now have funding to work towards achieving your goals. You then need to select a support coordinator to help you put your plan into action. At Disability Accommodation Australia we believe we are best placed to help you get the most from your funding through working with you and your support team.

"Do I have to use Disability Accommodation Australia as my support Coordinator?"

No. Choice and control remains with you regarding your funding and how you want to implement your funded services. We believe we are best placed to support you to achieve your goals as we have worked with you during your application process.

"What happens if there is no funding in my plan for support coordination?"

Again, congratulations as at least you have funding to support you to achieve your goals. There are other ways for you to make your plan work for you. You can use a plan manager to help with some of the complexity regarding rolling out your plan. Please talk to us as there are many ways forward.

"Is there other information and support offered by Disability Accommodation Australia?"

At Disability Accommodation Australia we are here to help if you have any questions regarding the funding in your plan. We take pride in providing you with any information in a timely manner that can assist you in maximising the benefits of your funding. There are always better ways to get the most from your funding to achieve your goals. We can help with the details so that you can keep your focus on the way forward

"Can you opt-out of support provided by Disability Accommodation Australia?"

Yes. Choice and control remain with you regarding your plan and how you use your supports. Our focus is on you and supporting your choices. If you prefer to move onto another provider, we will do our best to make sure there is a smooth transition so that you funded services can continue

"Do individuals have a right to a support person or an advocate?"

All participants have the right to have a support person to help them with their plan. This support person can help a participant with many aspects of their plan. Disability Accommodation Australia just needs the support person details and have them sign off on our Confidentiality Form where appropriate.

"Can I change my advocate or support person?"

Yes, the participant has the right to change their support person or Advocate at any time. Disability Accommodation Australia needs to be informed and new arrangements signed off.

"Can I access interpreter support if required?"

At any time, if things are not clear due to language differences Disability Accommodation Australia is happy to provide interpreter support to ensure a clear understanding of any information to do with our support services.

"Is my information kept private and confidential?"

All information supplied to Disability Accommodation Australia is treated as confidential. All information is kept as required by government regulation. For more information click here

"How can I give Disability Accommodation Australia Feedback?"

At Disability Accommodation Australia we are always happy to receive feedback regarding our services and support. If you have any compliments or complaints, please provide feedback either directly via phoning or emailing Disability Accommodation Australia. Alternatively, you can click here to provide feedback via our website.


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